For the sake of aw-what the heck, why not here was what I made for Ryumaru for Pixelation's 2009 Secret Santa:
To see what this pays homage check the sketch comparison found HERE and ask anyone younger than 30 year old what Charizard looks like or, here, let me google that for you for the direct effect. |
His wish was for a picture along the lines of this criteria:
I LOVE pokemon : D // Charizard, Scizor, Lugia, Suicune, Typholosion, Crobat ahh I could list so many but im sure thats enough for now :p // Other than that I like .... Art materials. Old holland and rembrandt paints, winsor and newton monarch brushes etc. // If your feeling adventurous some favorite old timey artists include Rembrandt, Vermeer, Caravaggio, Giovanni Boldini, Antonio Mancini."And I say more art I can not show yet because I'm reuniting with the magnanimous, smashing, altogether exceptional FORGE adventure game team, Quill O' The Wisp, to chisel more pixel art so we can finish chapter 1. I had to take an extended siesta after a stint of having too much on my plate to keep up with working on game graphics. But in due time we will finish in due time and be able to share our magnificent game with the world! Until then, it stays locked up.
But while I'm here, I hate to make a post without a little visual gratification to peddle out to you faithful (just go with it, I won't notice) near-dozen-strong followers! Here is this week's Dino Bytes comic:
Sharks hate plesiosauruses. Plesiosauri? Pleseosaggles? (click image to enlarge) |