Monday, December 27, 2010

A Matter of Vernacular

While we are sending the papers up to our printer, I figured I would upload this week's comic to the blog as well! About to leave so I'll leave you to it.

(Click to enlarge)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Beepin' and Boopin': Comic Strip Catch-Up

Beepin' and Boopin': Comic Strip Catch-Up: "Not much time to write anything for this entry, but I did want to share the last two weeks worth of Dino Bytes comics. Enjoy!"

Comic Strip Catch-Up

Not much time to write anything for this entry, but I did want to share the last two weeks worth of Dino Bytes comics. Enjoy!

You will eat what your mother cooks while you are living under my cave! (Click for larger view)
The bigger it is, the bigger the cute factor. (Click for larger view)