From time to time I'll make something and not get a chance to revisit it. Ok it happens a lot, but in the constant pursuit of expanding a portfolio and in an effort to make funny pictures, it is the nature of the game.
Here are a few of those things that really don't fall into any respectably useful category. Distractions and diversions from productivity I guess.
Afro Duck don't take no shit. His calm gaze wrecks families. I had originally wanted to add many more states to this badass motha' of a duck, but ended up just stopping at 3. |
I just had to see what it would look like. The fact that I made this was the cause for whatever I was doing at the time not getting done. Thanks a lot, Abe... |
This has been in my Works-In-Progress folder for months. Just haven't gotten back to it yet, which makes my face sad. |
Bliss. Unfinished pixel art scene. |
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