Saturday, September 3, 2011

Gaming on the PC Once Again!

My PC has been running like garbage for over 2 months. Most games and applications that used to fly on high settings would barely run, so I had just resigned to thinking the power supply was going to shit or something and was about to order a new one when I noticed my computer specs were picking up the onboard video card as primary. A quick shut down with the 2nd monitor that was plugged into that card taken out upon rebooting fixed all the problems.

Lovin' the new toy, man. It's like... there's a blue side for each of us and stuff!
 I think this is all because the cats were curious when we first got them - they were rolling around behind the desk and dislodged the main monitor cord because the mounting screws on the cord didn't want to fit into the expensive graphics card's adapter, and upon restarting after that it just reassigned the default...

I never knew the PC would assign the default hardware in such a simple way as "were am cord fit first?" Instead of defaulting to whichever was the workhorse.

Anyway yay! I can game on my PC again!

Had a fun go again with Fallout New Vegas with 3D turned on and farting around with all the downloaded content I just figured was a waste since I couldn't run it anymore.