Monday, November 29, 2010

Aquatic Resentment and MURDER MYSTERIES

Okay, not real murder.  And it's not that big of a mystery.  Just more art that I am working on that I can not show yet! The good people over at the Pixelation boards have a yearly secret santa picture gift exchange and the names were just drawn this week, so I had fun this weekend researching and progressing on the gift I will be giving.

For the sake of aw-what the heck, why not here was what I made for Ryumaru for Pixelation's 2009 Secret Santa:

To see what this pays homage check the sketch comparison found HERE and ask anyone younger than 30 year old what Charizard looks like or, here, let me google that for you for the direct effect.

His wish was for a picture along the lines of this criteria:
I LOVE pokemon : D  //  Charizard, Scizor, Lugia, Suicune, Typholosion, Crobat ahh I could list so many but im sure thats enough for now :p  //  Other than that I like .... Art materials. Old holland and rembrandt paints, winsor and newton monarch brushes etc.  //  If your feeling adventurous some favorite old timey artists include Rembrandt, Vermeer, Caravaggio, Giovanni Boldini, Antonio Mancini."
And I say more art I can not show yet because I'm reuniting with the magnanimous, smashing, altogether exceptional FORGE adventure game team, Quill O' The Wisp, to chisel more pixel art so we can finish chapter 1.  I had to take an extended siesta after a stint of having too much on my plate to keep up with working on game graphics. But in due time we will finish in due time and be able to share our magnificent game with the world! Until then, it stays locked up.

But while I'm here, I hate to make a post without a little visual gratification to peddle out to you faithful (just go with it, I won't notice) near-dozen-strong followers! Here is this week's Dino Bytes comic:

Sharks hate plesiosauruses.  Plesiosauri? Pleseosaggles? (click image to enlarge)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beepin' and Boopin': Feather Rex

Beepin' and Boopin': Feather Rex: What the REAL new face of the T-Rex looks like. Now with more zazz.

Feather Rex

I recently came across this posting on Geekologie that announced a recent scientific theory that the T-Rex had feathers all over its body.  As gut-wrenchingly-not-awesome-looking as Deinonychus / Velociraptors turned out looking like after they discovered their feathers.  I was completely content in my Stephen Spielberg molded world of scaly thunder lizards without fur, then SCIENCE had to come in waving its matter-of-fact bubble-popping stick and makes the world a little less mystical.

In an effort to belittle the beast I once revered as awesome and not-stupid-looking (I even got over the tiny arms - our relationship transcended physical ridiculousness boundaries), I decided to do my own rendition of the Featherpillowsaurus' likeness:

(Click for full view)
After finishing, I took the liberty of ripping myself off by recycling the image into this week's Dino Bytes comic for The Springfield Paper / The Outlook.

(Click for full view)
This comic is also a struggling defense excuse my brain fabricated about what really happened surrounding this 'discovery'.  It's obvious that a T-Rex's jerk co-workers at the lab were just trying to punk him for a cheap laugh.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dino Bytes Weekly Comic

Been pushing myself to do a comic for the paper I work at every week for personal fun.

Here are the most recent ones:
Sweatersaurus (Click to see full detail)

Parental Advice (Click to see full detail)

Shooting Meteors (Click to see full detail)

Social Network Games (Click to see full detail)