Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Foreword and Backeword.

In an effort to establish a home for my wayward projects and misfit 'art' projects, I have adopted this blogger page to be my scrap receptacle.

First came the vector portraits of my wife and baby, then came the mustaches, then the haiku happened unexpectedly with the rest of it.
The Beepin' and Boopin' headline derives itself from a discussion I had with my wife, N'Lou, in which I came to the shattering conclusion that the thoughts in my head don't really extend deeper than what I'm projecting, and that 90% of the time I'm basically a floating robot eyepod moving from point A to point B beepin' and boopin' along the way. This blog will be the conveyor-belt footed data collecting microphone robot that records the aforementioned boops and beeps, and the occasional bleep and sweep.

I never quite expect when and where the mood will strike to create useless designs, but they sure are fun. Usually they involve photo manipulations of my almost-two-year-old daughter.  I think she has more of an online personality than I do at this point...

Should you find delight in my posts and wish to leave a comment or follow me, I would be flattered and tickled just knowing my pixels have not gone to waste!

And if you like my work and would like to commission me for work or just provide me with a fun request to pit myself against then you are wholly endorsed to do that right now. Go!

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